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by Emmey哈里斯
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都柏林是一座充满文学气息的城市, 以及我暑假在东航卡帕国外的时候, I just so happened to be in town for 都柏林's most famous celebration of a literary giant and native of the city. The author is James Joyce, whose life and work are celebrated yearly on June 16, known as "Bloomsday." Being in 都柏林 on Bloomsday this year gave me the chance to gain some insight into the celebration and its significance to the city of 都柏林.


Bloomsday festivities center around Joyce's most famous work and masterpiece of modernist writing, 他1922年的小说 《宝博体育》. 《宝博体育》 chronicles a day in the life of the character Leopold Bloom as he wanders through the streets of 都柏林 on the 16th of June in 1904. The novel is known for using the stream of consciousness technique to represent the characters' varied, 对包括死亡在内的主题的混乱想法, 宗教, 人际关系, 以及爱尔兰与英国的关系.


Caption: A quote from 《宝博体育》 found on the outside of a police station in 都柏林. This is just one example of how significant the novel is to the city of 都柏林.

The novel's title is the Latin version of Odysseus, who is the hero of Homer's epic poem 《宝博体育》. 18集的 《宝博体育》 and various characters within the novel parallel different events and figures in 《宝博体育》. 小说描写了这些景色, 听起来, and locations of early 20th-century 都柏林 in immense detail, and although published after Joyce had permanently moved away from 都柏林, 《宝博体育》 是城市骄傲的主要来源吗.


One of the most noticeable Bloomsday activities is to dress up like the novel's characters in Edwardian-era clothes. This would include suits, long skirts, white blouses, and the iconic straw boater hat. Massive crowds flock to 都柏林, especially notable locations visited by characters in 《宝博体育》 such as Davy Byrne's pub or Sweny's pharmacy, decked out in Edwardian gear.


Caption: Some examples of Edwardian attire that can be seen on Bloomsday.

My first activity of the day was to head to my internship at Marsh's Library. James Joyce actually consulted some of the books at the library in 1902. 的第三章 《宝博体育》,他甚至提到了“马什图书馆的死水湾”." To commemorate Bloomsday, Marsh's Library had a first edition of 《宝博体育》 on display, as well as one of the books Joyce read while at the library. It was exciting to think about Joyce coming to the library and sitting at the very table and chairs in the old reading room that I sat at almost every day. 看到第一版真是太棒了 《宝博体育》 on display, which would have been published one hundred years before. Many people came to the library who were celebrating Bloomsday and were eager to see the first edition of 《宝博体育》.


Caption: A first edition of 《宝博体育》, which I saw on display at Marsh's Library.

在我结束我的宝博体育后, I went with another intern to a reading session that was being held by the James Joyce Centre in the Temple Bar area. 那天下午三个小时, different performers came on stage to read excerpts from each chapter of 《宝博体育》,并演唱与这本书有关的歌曲. 我们设法抓住了最后两章的阅读材料. 听到这些话变成现实真是太好了, 周围都是对这本书充满热情的人. We also heard a performance of the old parlor tune "Love's Old Sweet Song," which is referenced in 《宝博体育》.


Caption: A reading from chapter 17 of 《宝博体育》, "Ithaca," being performed by Brian Kennedy.

Afterwards, I decided to check out Davy Byrne's pub on 杜克大学街. 在 《宝博体育》, Leopold Bloom stops by Davy Byrne's for a sandwich and a glass of wine. Joyce fans come to the pub on Bloomsday to order the same meal. I spotted many straw hats and Edwardian outfits along the entire street!


Caption: Davy Byrne's pub, featured prominently in the eighth chapter of 《宝博体育》.

布卢姆日那天在都柏林是一个难得的机会, 我很高兴我能体验到它, 尤其是在出版一百周年之际 《宝博体育》. I really enjoyed seeing the city come together to celebrate the novel. 我一直在听一本关于 《宝博体育》 我自己, and it's been really special to recognize different street names and sites that I've actually been to as I follow the characters around 都柏林. 即使我明年不在都柏林, I may still have to don a straw hat in celebration of this city and the literature it's produced!


描述:杜克街戴维·伯恩的酒吧外. The number of people here really shows how important Bloomsday is to the city of 都柏林!

Emmey哈里斯 内容创造者-博主.
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