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by 斯蒂芬妮·萨德勒
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春天- 2023 - _barcelona_ingrid sund_bunkers日落

当你在巴塞罗那留学的时候, there are a few cultural celebrations throughout the country that are worth looking into attending while you're in 西班牙!


1. SEMANA圣诞老人

宗教节日Semana Santa(圣周)在西班牙是一件大事. It commemorates the Passion of Christ in the Catholic tradition the week before Easter. 每个地区都有自己独特的传统, but flamboyant 游行 fill the streets all over the country with festivities beginning on Palm Sunday and finishing with dramatic processions on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. You'll see life-sized floats of biblical characters being carried through the streets, people walking with crosses or candles and religious spectacles throughout the week.

2. 狂欢节

如果你想在西班牙庆祝狂欢节, hop on a flight to Tenerife in the Canary Islands and head up to the capital city, 圣克鲁斯. 它的尺寸可能很小, but each February the island hosts the largest 狂欢节 celebrations in the world after Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. 两个星期, you'll find street parties packed with revelers in colorful costumes dancing into the earliest hours, plenty of loud music to keep them moving and the vote for the carnival queen from a number of contestants who show off their elaborate outfits. 留意一下圣灰星期三的传统, "entierro de la sardina" or the "burial of the sardine" during which a giant sardine made of paper is carried along in a "funeral procession" and people dressed as wailing widows follow along, 假装哀悼.

3. 番茄狂欢节

The Valencian town of Bui±ol is bathed red with squashed tomatoes during La Tomatina on the last Wednesday of August. 所有人都聚在一起,一小时的战斗随之而来, 西红柿在被扔出去之前会被砸碎以减少伤害. 一年一度的传统活动在镇广场举行. 它始于1945年,在20世纪50年代被禁止,然后在1957年恢复. While it was once a free-for-all, it is now well-regulated and promoted by the tourism board. 这个烂摊子, 大家可以想象, 令人难以置信, 但它被消防车的水管清除了, bonus-the citric acid in the tomatoes actually gives everything in the an extra thorough clean.

4. 瓦伦西亚的法拉斯

三月的五天五夜, the people of Valencia are joined by visitors from around the world for a continuous street party known as "the fire festival." A bit of history: The festival commemorates Saint Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. In the Middle Ages, carpenters would hang planks of wood to support their candles while working. These would be burned in the spring to celebrate the end of the darker winter days. They later added clothing to give their planks personality and everything unfolded from there into what it is today-the burning of giant figures ("˜ninots')-often well-known politicians or celebrities. 早上8点,铜管乐队和鞭炮唤醒了整个城市. 接下来的日子充满了游行、烟花和大量的噪音. It culminates with the explosion of ninots that have been stuffed full of fireworks"¯in the Plaza Ayuntamiento, 街灯熄灭,消防队员就位. The festival has been included in UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list.

5. Esta major de gracia

8月, blocks compete to win a prize for the best decorated streets around the neighborhood of Gri cia in 巴塞罗那. 每年都有不同的主题. 制定了高标准, creativity and originality reign and the competition is fierce with canopies of decorations hanging above you between the buildings and continuing onto balconies. It becomes a week-long street party and is accompanied by about 600 concerts, 研讨会, 游行, 以及其他活动和事件. Keep an eye open for the famous and impressive castellers who assemble themselves into human towers. There's an emphasis on community here and you'll likely find long tables in the streets so everyone can enjoy traditional Catalan food together.

6. 圣费尔明和奔牛

A rocket launch in Pamplona on the 6th of July marks the beginning of San Fermi­n, 一个为期9天的节日,其中包括最著名的活动, 公牛的奔跑. Over 1 million people attend what has become one of the most popular festivals in 西班牙, 通过海明威的小说传播到英语世界 太阳照常升起 其中节日是情节的中心. 有游行, 传统舞蹈, and plenty of noise-especially during El Struendo ("The Roar") when people gather at the town hall and, 几个小时, 制造尽可能多的噪音. The festival culminates with the singing of Pobre de Mi­"¯("Poor Me"), candlelight and fireworks.

7. Dia de los reyes magos

Though Santa makes an appearance in many Spanish households these days, 传统上, 是三王带来了礼物——不是在圣诞节, 而是在1月6日,这是雷耶斯·马戈斯纪念日, 或者“三王节”, 也被称为主显节. Celebrations begin the day before with a parade re-enacting the arrival of the Three Kings. Children leave a shoe out for the Three Kings and awake in the morning to find the presents near their shoe. Families gather to share a rosci³n de reyes, a traditional cake for the day. 它在加泰罗尼亚也被称为tortell. 里面藏着一颗小豆子和一个小国王. 谁得到了国王,谁就会在这一年剩下的时间里好运连连. 谁得到了豆子,谁就得付蛋糕的钱.

斯蒂芬妮·萨德勒 内容创造者-博主.
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