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Curry Night in Brick Lane - A Cultural Experience in 伦敦’s Brick Lane

by Veronica Gawin
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Having new cultural experiences is something to expect while 通过东航卡帕宝博体育. 还应该期待什么是一个非常好的时间! In this blog, I’m going to take you with me to the ‘Curry Night in Brick Lane’ event hosted by 东航卡帕伦敦


As we walked into Brick Lane, we were met with an intricate and grand entry gate. 

In 伦敦, there’s an incredible mix of cultures ranging from all around the world. There are neighborhoods that transport you somewhere else entirely. I signed up for this 东航卡帕-led event in Brick Lane to get to know the Bangladeshi and South Asian presence in 伦敦. The history I discovered behind this neighborhood gave me better understanding of my 宝博体育 城市的活力. 

My peers and I all met outside Whitechapel Hill tube station, 距离文化标志性街道仅几步之遥. We met with our tour guides, 蒂姆 and Anderson, and started to walk toward the site. 


我们都聚集在火车站外, my peers and I began to walk to our first stop on the walking tour. 

我们一路走着, I couldn’t help but notice the bustling energy and the many interesting landmarks that make Brick Lane special. These landmarks tell stories about the area's diverse history and cultural background. 蒂姆, 我们的徒步导游, was an expert at pointing out these fascinating sights, 确保我们没有错过任何重要的东西. 

蒂姆 started talking about the religious tolerance that defines this neighborhood. He explained how different faiths coexist here peacefully for many years. 我从他的话中感受到了他的激情. 我记得当时我很惊讶. This experience helped me think about how tolerant 伦敦 and the UK are toward migrants and various 宗教s. This made me feel even safer than I already did in this large city where I 在国外学习和宝博体育 这个学期. 

Students gather in street listening to tour guide speak

We gathered in a circle around one of the significant landmarks in Brick Lane. 我们的导游蒂姆详细地解释了它的历史. 

At the end of our educational stroll through Brick Lane, we ended our tour at an authentic curry house in the area. 东航卡帕 booked the restaurant for all students and provided us with a delicious and vibrant evening. We started with mouth-watering appetizers such as samosas and potato and onion balls. The flavors were so complex and left me craving more. 然后, we met with gracious waiters laying down plenty of delicious curries, 大米, 还有我们桌上的面包. 这里的文化非常丰富. 


As the waiters laid the abundance of food down on our table, we were hit with  delicious aromas of spices and flavor. 

While we enjoyed the cuisine, my peers and I got to know each other and shared some laughs. It was a great experience to be surrounded by many like-minded individuals who were going through somewhat of a similar experience. I recommend signing up for and attending these types of events and excursions while studying abroad. This’ll give you a chance to get to know your 宝博体育 location and connect with the people in your 伦敦留学 program. 这是认识新朋友的好方法! 

That was my experience in Brick Lane; all that’s on my mind now is when the next 东航卡帕 curry night will be and how I’ll get there! 

Veronica Gawin is an official blogger for Summer ‘23, 经常在我们的博客上分享她的故事. A Strategic 沟通 major at University of Missouri-Columbia, she is studying and interning abroad in 伦敦 this semester. All views expressed are her own and may or may not reflect the experiences of other students. 

Veronica Gawin 内容创造者-博主.
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