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Touring Edinburgh, Scotland in One Weekend - 东航卡帕

by 玛利亚姆哈桑
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Touring Edinburgh, Scotland in One Weekend

One of the most wonderful and convenient aspects of living in 伦敦 去火车方便吗. You can get all the way from King’s Cross Station, which is located in central 伦敦, to Edinburgh, Scotland via train in just under five hours!

I’ve definitely capitalized on this convenience, and my roommates and I decided to spend 又一次周末旅行 traveling to Edinburgh, which is one of the most beautiful places I ever visited. The weekend we spent there was one of the best.


We hopped on the earliest train to Waverley train station 周六 morning, which departed at 5:45 a.m. We all slept through the majority of the ride, but made sure to wake up as we approached Edinburgh, as the views were just incredible: lush, rolling hills filled with sheep and other farm animals; sparkling deep blue water lined by rocky 海滩es; steep hills visible in the distance; picturesque villages scattered throughout. It was one of the highlights of the weekend.

A view of the outdoors from a train window.

当我们到达爱丁堡时, 我们的第一站是送奶人咖啡馆, a sweet and delicious little coffee shop just outside of Waverly train station. 然后我们开始了自导式旅行 徒步旅行 across the gorgeous old city of Edinburgh, 哪一个充满了宏伟, 哥特式建筑, 鹅卵石街道, 还有很多苏格兰短裙和风笛! My absolute favorite part was seeing Victoria Street, which is a beautiful collection of colorful, 时髦的商店, 餐厅, 和风景. It’s said to have inspired Diagon Alley in 哈利波特!

A brick road street surrounded by colorful buildings.

Our Airbnb was in a small village about 45 minutes outside of Edinburgh called Aberdour. 阿伯多是其中最独特的一个, quaint places I had the pleasure of visiting, with old buildings lining the street and a tight path lined with lush trees and bushes to a beautiful, 桑迪, 被称为银色沙滩的深蓝色海滩. If you make a trip out to Edinburgh, I highly suggest visiting some of the villages nearby! They all have so much character, and are all unique.


We spent the night at Silver Sands Beach, with waffles and brownies delivered by one of the only three 餐厅 open after 10 in the town. 夜晚很美, set with a bright pink and orange sunset, and it was by far one of the best nights from my whole 宝博体育 经验.

Two students smiling happily on the 海滩.


周日, 我们去了圣安德鲁斯高尔夫球场, which is considered to be the oldest course in the world. We wandered around the historic 高尔夫球 resort and grabbed a delicious lunch from a traditional pub in the area, before hopping on a bus back to the train station and then a train from there straight to King’s Cross.

无论你是 通过东航卡帕宝博体育 (尤其是如果你加入了 英格兰!), 我强烈推荐你去旅游, 探索, and appreciating your host country and countries nearby. I was so surprised at how different the beauty of Scotland is to that of 伦敦, and your host country will no doubt be able to surprise you as well.

玛利亚姆哈桑 is an official blogger for Summer ‘23, sharing her story in frequent posts on our blog. 一个生物, 社会, and Environment major at University of Minnesota, 双城, she's studying and interning abroad in 伦敦 this semester. All views expressed are her own and may or may not reflect the 经验s of other students. 

玛利亚姆哈桑 内容创造者-博主.
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