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by 亚莉克莎兰伯特
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4 Ways to Budget While Studying Abroad in 圣荷西, 哥斯达黎加 

虽然花的每一分钱都是值得的, 宝博体育 会不会有点贵. 我曾在 哥斯达黎加 and I think I finally perfected my spending habits while there. 当然, 我在来之前做了一些财务上的决定, but here there are several things that arise that I evaluate. Here’s how to spend the least amount of money while still exploring and having a great time. 

1. 住在寄宿家庭 

在我看来, living with a homestay is definitely the better housing arrangement while living in 哥斯达黎加. This may be completely biased because of the love I have for my Mama Tica, 但肯定有很多好处. Each day I’m provided with breakfast and dinner, leaving me to only find lunch for myself. I go to the store a couple times a month to grab some sandwich supplies for a quick, 便宜的, 课间的可持续饮食. The homestays are a short walk to campus, saving money on transportation.  

I found they overall tend to just be a 便宜的er option than living individually in an apartment, 还有很多额外津贴. 我真的能够让自己沉浸在这种文化中, and have the amazing blessing of not having to worry about dishes, 洗衣服和打扫卫生,就像我在家里做的那样. It’s truly an amazing experience and allows me to live like a local and improve my Spanish! 


The delicious and thoughtful breakfast my Mama Tica made for me on Valentine’s Day. 

2. 以公共汽车为主要交通工具 

圣荷西在美国,步行是一种非常方便的交通方式. There are very few times I need to take an Uber, but even so, the average Uber here costs about $4. On the weekends, though, when we travel to a different region of 哥斯达黎加, we take a bus. 还有其他的旅行方式, 就像私人穿梭车, 租车,有时甚至是飞机, 但这些可能相当昂贵. 公交车绝对是哥斯达黎加的交通方式.  

There are bus stations all over, and they can take you to pretty much any destination in the country. 例如, 离圣何塞最近的海滩是雅克海滩, and it takes about an hour to an hour and a half to get there. I went two weekends ago, and it only cost me $6 round trip. 你没听错,单程票只要3美元. For a seven-hour bus trip to Tamarindo, it was only $12 one way. The buses are quite an economical and practical way of traveling. 

A study abroad student standing next to a bus talking to another student inside the bus

My roommate Amari and I at the bus station communicating about when we'll get home. 

3. 入住青年旅馆 

Once you take that bus ride to your destination, you obviously need a place to stay. 哥斯达黎加 has endless lodging options, but my recommendation is to stay in a hostel. 我在青年旅社住一晚花了15到25美元. 取决于你的舒适程度, 我建议住床最多的房间, 因为它往往是最便宜的!  

Besides the prices, hostels are great to stay in because of the people you can meet. I met people from all around the world and heard the most interesting stories! This is one of my favorite aspects about traveling abroad. Hostels also often have kitchens where you can cook any meal you desire, allowing you to save money by buying groceries versus going out. 


The beautiful and scenic hostel that my friends and I stayed at in 《宝博体育》. 

4. 充分利用免费活动 

哥斯达黎加 is one of the most active countries in the world, and it’s not because they spend all of their time in the gym. The ticos and ticas are naturally so active because of the environment they are in. It’s truly not necessary to spend money on a gym membership here—I haven’t and I feel as if I’m in the best shape of my life. I walk to school and through the city, I attend the free yoga classes offered at my school, and I 徒步旅行在国外 穿过群山. Always make sure to check out the free fitness classes your university offers! Most of my weekend adventures consist of me doing something active like 徒步旅行 or some sort of adventurous sport.  


My friend Ebony and I on a hike through the Miravalles Volcano! 

虽然这些是一些具体的建议和旅行, my overall advice is to plan your budget out prior to your arrival. Figure out how much per week, month, or overall you can spend on things like food, 周末旅行,以及各种需要. This saves you a lot of stress during your time abroad, and your bank account will thank you later! 


The amazing sunset in Jaco that I spent $6 to go to and $20 to stay at. 

亚莉克莎兰伯特是24年春季的 东航卡帕内容创建者 在哥斯达黎加留学.

亚莉克莎兰伯特 内容创造者-博客在圣何塞, 哥斯达黎加, 目前在迈阿密大学学习.
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