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High Impact 教育al Practices Maximize Student Learning

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High Impact 教育al Practices Maximize Student Learning on CEA CAPA Programs

2022年是这样开始的 新CEA公报 和 a prediction by our Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. 路易Berends, that 2022 would be “the year of recovery 和 rebound for education abroad.” This has proven true in more ways than one: enrollment projections in 宝博体育 是有前途的, 和 we continue to see pent-up dem和 from students who have learned under lockdown for the past two years. 更重要的是, CEA CAPA is exp和ing what High-Impact 教育al Practices (HIP) are available to our students, so that we are purposefully maximizing student learning. What are 臀部, 和 moreover, how do these better impact students?  

As described by the American Association of Colleges 和 Universities (AAC&U), High-Impact Practices are effective, 教育, 和 transformational learning opportunities that occur both inside 和 outside of the typical classroom setting. 的se opportunities are connected to increased 教育 outcomes that significantly contribute to the recovery 和 rebound for education abroad. CEA CAPA provides several of the full list of 臀部 recognized by the AAC&U:  

  • 顶点课程和项目 

  • Collaborative Assignments 和 Projects 

  • Common Intellectual Experiences 

  • 多样性全球学习 

  • ePortfolios 

  • Writing-Intensive课程 

Each of the practices above has been proven to increase student engagement 和 retention. But they do not just ensure student success; rather, they provide deeper 理解 of the academic curriculum.  

When developing new 臀部, CEA CAPA carefully reviews feedback, requests, 和 priorities from our 机构合作伙伴 to create a framework that brings high-quality international academic programs 和 services to students. CEA CAPA Study Centers enhance students’ ability to engage with local language 和 culture 和 facilitate cross-cultural connections. Excursions are crafted for their ability to cultivate cultural awareness, 理解, 和 perspective – skills that define global competence. 东航卡帕的 国际宝博体育 transform students into career-ready graduates through a rigorous process that combines self-awareness of strengths, 需要改善的地方, as well as the opportunity to put these qualities into practice within a high-quality workplace setting.  

CEA CAPA学术团队 brings significant institutional experience that ensures the opportunities provided align with college 和 university expectations when partnering with an education abroad provider. Additionally, as leaders of the team, Dr. Berends和 Dr. Stina杜福尔, Academic Dean of Global Programs, bring a scholar-practitioner mindset to their work. 的y have the experience 和 skill set required to explore the unique 和 specific ways that CEA CAPA’s 臀部 have advanced students’ personal 和 professional growth beyond what was possible at their home campus. 

As a current or potential institutional partner of CEA CAPA, how do you hope we can collaboratively shape students' mindsets 和 ensure they are having high-quality experiences? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

Interested in partnering with CEA CAPA on a new destination or program? 向你的 CEA CAPA 机构al Regional Director 今天.

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